Tuesday, June 15, 2010

married life

I’d like to reiterate my wife’s (still so weird to say “wife”) comments on the incredible wedding weekend….the most natural high I have ever experienced in my life and so incredible to share it with all our closest friends and family! I’m not sure what this whole “cold feet” thing is people talk about but when you’ve truly found the right person you have no doubts or reservations….take my word for it! Lani was truly an angel and I couldn't be a more happily married man!! Lani covered the post wedding blues remedy so the only advice I have (besides NEVER settling for anyone you are not undoubtedly madly in love with), is to remind you that the bride and groom truly set the tone for the wedding….if you and your bride are happy, then everyone else will be as well.

And so married life begins, I had hoped to write more prior to the wedding but I am still excited to relay the continued challenges of balancing the new married life we are growing into and the old single lifestyle we are not quite ready to give up altogether.

As an example, Friday night we had some friends come into town...started as a harmless evening, met up with friends for dinner and watched a band play at a bar downtown. Then the shots were ordered by the single guy in the group and we slipped into that life, hopping around to a few bars and eventually stumbling out of Metro Pizza with a large pizza, spaghetti and meatballs and spicy chicken wings in our hands at 2:30 in teh morning.

After a long hangover day Saturday, fast forward to Monday evening when Lani and I went to check out the new WalMart that just opened to look for a new beach cruiser. We ended up walking around the grocery section for about 30 minutes and then bought a bunch of cleaning supplies. Feeling like an old and boring married couple, we left the store and decided to check out a new bar that had opened up in SoDo, where we were happily surprised to know the bartender and proceeded to have a drink and feel young again. As soon as we got home we digress again, proceeding to watch the newest DVR’d episode of The Bachelorette and feeling like an old married couple.

Until the next episode of “The transitionals”…

Monday, June 14, 2010


Well, I will always remember May 1, 2010 as the happiest day of my life! Sounds sooo cliche and cheesy, but I honestly will never forget it. I have never felt luckier as I walked down the isle towards Scott. Such a natural high to have your closest friends and family there to help celebrate. It all went by in a flash!

Flash forward to after the honeymoon and I couldn't help but have a small case of "Post Wedding Blues." All that planning, excitement, and of course, being the center of attention! I started to get upset with myself because I was so sad it was over. I married a great man, we have our whole lives ahead of us, why the hell was I feeling this way? I did some research and found that this was a pretty common in fact!!

My List of things to help get over "Post Wedding Blues":
1. Make new goals: Realize the wedding was 1 day out of your life. A special, memorable day, but just 1 day. Share dreams of the future and make a game plan to get there.
2. Enjoy the extra free time! Join a gym, start a book club, cozy up and enjoy a lazy movie night.
3. Go Out. Start going out with friends again that you were too busy to hang out with during the planning process.
4. Date Nights. Cook for your new loved one at home, try new recipes together!
5. New Hobbies. Scuba certification? tennis lessons? It's ok to have separate interests! Try something new individually.
6. Plan a Party. Now that you are a pro in planning a wedding, why not put the planning to good use! Help a friend plan a fabulous birthday party. (or you could always start planning the big 10 year Renewing of the Vows Party, lol).
7. Remember to live in the moment. It's always going to be fun to look back at wedding pictures from time to time. But don't forget to look at and enjoy the most important person in the world standing right in front of you. Give them a hug! Live in the moment!

xoxo, little Lans.